Category: Project Update

USAID Launches New Activity to Support Children Orphaned or Made Vulnerable to HIV in Lagos

PRESS RELEASE                                                                                 July 6, 2021    For Immediate Release                                                                      PR-0**/2021 Lagos – On July 6, 2021, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Deputy

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ARFH Community TB Project 2019-2020 Brief

ARFH is currently implementing the Community TB component of the GF- Funded Tuberculosis grant Nigeria in collaboration with the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP), the Principal Recipient of the grant and an institution mandated to coordinate TB and Leprosy control activities in all States in Nigeria in order to significantly reduce the public burden of the two diseases. This grant has continued this Jan, 2021 to end Dec, 2023.

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Step by step guide on how to use DMPA-SC/Self Injection

This video shows a step by step guide for women who have chosen to use subcutaneous DMPA-SC/Self Injection in the context of informed choice counseling. DMPA-SC/SI is a lower-dose, easy-to-use injectable contraceptive that is administered every three months. The product’s user-friendly design means that any trained person can administer it, including community health workers, pharmacists, and even women themselves.

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