Operations Research in Tuberculosis control & Management: Request for Short term consultancy
The Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) is pleased to announce a request for short term consultancy to support the evaluation of Radio jingles intervention on the Global Fund supported Tuberculosis Grant.
The Association for Reproductive and Family Health through funding support from the Global Fund has prioritized the use of mass media communication through customized culturally sensitive radio jingles across twenty one states of the country to promote TB prevention and awareness messaging. This strategic intervention is aimed at also promoting TB service demand and correcting misconceptions about Tuberculosis among the general population. This intervention began in mid-2016 and it is expected that a rapid assessment be conducted to determine the effectiveness, quality of media content and reach of the intervention as well as level of acceptability by the public. The outcome of this assessment will consequently be used to enhance the modalities for content modification, media broadcasting and audience segmentation.
Location of assignment: Abuja, FCT, Nigeria. Duration of assignment: 35 days
The Survey Coordinator will be an epidemiologist with experience in national/sub-national surveys and with at least 5 year experience in planning and conducting population-based surveys, preferably including health seeking and mass communication. The survey coordinator will:

Qualification required:

Submission of Applications/Closing Date
Interested candidates are encouraged to apply and submit a detailed curriculum vitae and application letter for this research opportunity. All candidates must have good understanding of the country context and demonstrate familiarity with the Global Fund supported Tuberculosis grant in Nigeria. Candidates must demonstrate competency in supporting country’s research capacity and/or data use. All applicants for this position must include evidence of previous consultancies and honorarium rates in their submission.
Closing date for applications is July 11th, 2017. Applications received after this date will not be accepted. Only successful candidates will be notified of the outcome by July 31st, 2017.

Head, Monitoring & Evaluation
Association for Reproductive and Family Health


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