Health Minister Inaugurates ARFH's CEO and 25 others as National Advocates for Health

Nigeria’s Minister for Health, Professor Isaac Adewole, inaugurated ARFH’s President/CEO, Professor Oladapo Ladipo, as a National Advocate for Health, along with 25 others in Abuja on November 27th 2017. The certificate, signed by the Federal Ministry of Health and Health Policy Plus was presented to Professor Ladipo by the minister, in recognition, as a ‘Family Planning Advocate’, among […]

Easy Access to Emergency Contraceptives Will Reduce Unplanned Pregnancies And Maternal Mortality Rate

VIDEO: ARFH, FMoH and Family Planning Stakeholders Review Emergency Contraceptive Pills Training Manuals for Nigeria The Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) and the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) is developing a national training manual for service delivery personnel on Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECPs). At a technical meeting with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) and […]

ARFH Joins IDF to Commemorate World Diabetes Day 2017

Today, 14th November, is World Diabetes Day 2017 (#WDD2017), commemorated to create global awareness on Diabetes Mellitus (DM), and spearheaded by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) The theme for World Diabetes Day is “Women and Diabetes – our right to a healthy future”. Diabetes is classified into Type 1 (Inability of the pancreas to produce […]

ARFH Embarks on Behavioral Change Communication Activities to Reduce Malaria Burden in Edo State

ARFH is implementing a Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) consultancy with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to implement post campaign BCC activities in collaboration with the Edo State Ministry of Health, through the State Malaria Elimination Programme in Edo state. The goal of the intervention aligns with that of the National Malaria Strategic plan 2015-2020 to contribute towards […]

ARFH Advocates for State Governors to Fund Tuberculosis Programmes

VIDEO: ARFH Advocates for State Governors to Fund Tuberculosis Programmes The Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) has called for Nigerian governors to provide counterpart funding for tuberculosis test and treatment programmes in their states. The President/CEO of ARFH, Professor Oladapo Ladipo said that funding from states is a condition precedent for the Global […]


The International Youth Day is commemorated every year on 12th August to promote better awareness of the guidelines of the United Nations’ ‘WPAY’ agenda to improve the situation of youths around the world. The theme of #InternationalYouthDay 2017 is “Youth Building Peace”, aiming to improve peace and security towards achieving sustainable development. The World Programme […]

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