ARFH is Live at IAS Conference 2024 in Munich Germany!

Dr. Oluyemi Peter ATIBIOKE, ARFH’s Associate Director of Programme and Business Development and TB/HIV Advisor on the USAID-funded, CCCRN-led ACE-4 Project, shared impactful findings from the Cervical Cancer study conducted under the ACE-4 Project. The paper, titled “Are We Making Progress in Cervical Cancer Prevention Among Women Within Reproductive Age Group Living with HIV & […]

Integrated Child Health and Social Services Award (ICHSSA-2) Project

About the Project Between 2014-2019, ARFH implemented the USAID-funded Local Partners for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Nigeria (LOPIN1 Project) across 3 states- Lagos, Akwa-Ibom, and Rivers. During this period, the project reached about 300,000 vulnerable children and caregivers with a range of quality services in the areas of health, education, nutrition, psychosocial support, legal […]

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