Using HCD to Improve TB Case Detection in Nigeria: ARFH Joins National TB Stakeholders to conduct HCD Research
As part of the ACSM (Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization) activities of the national TB programme in Nigeria, the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP) in collaboration with the Breakthrough ACTION (BA), a USAID-funded Project is carrying out a formative research in four States (Lagos, Rivers, Enugu and Kano) using Human-Centred Design (HCD) methodology […]
VIDEO DOCUMENTARY: The Search For Tuberculosis Cases in Bauchi State, Nigeria

The Active Case Finding (ACF) Project of the Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) funded by the Global Fund grant to fight TB in Nigeria, is a strategic approach for increasing Tuberculosis case detection. ARFH commenced the project in February 2016 in 22 priority states of Nigeria. This documentary focuses on the implementation of […]