Minister for Health hands over New Vehicles donated by ARFH to state governments
Nigeria’s Minister for Health, Professor Isaac Adewole, handed over four Toyota Hilux pickup trucks donated by the Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) to state governments on June 30, 2016, in Abuja. The brand new pickup trucks procured from the Global Fund grant and donated through the National Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Buruli-Ulcer Control Programme […]
Stakeholders in Tuberculosis Control Urge The President-Elect To Make Tuberculosis Control A Priority

FEATURE IMAGE, R-L: Mrs. Kehinde Osinowo, Director of Programs, ARFH; Prof. O. A Ladipo (OON). President & CEO, ARFH ; Dr. Ayodele Awe, NPO, World Health Organisation at the Global Fund TB Grant PRs/SRs Review Meeting Stakeholders working to reduce the burden of Tuberculosis under The Global Fund to Fight AIDS TB and Malaria […]
ARFH Collaborates With National TB and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP) To Commemorate 2015 World TB Day

As part of efforts to draw global attention to the health problem, March 24th is celebrated every year as the World Tuberculosis Day and the day is designed to build public awareness about tuberculosis and efforts to eliminate the disease. Association for Reproductive and Family Health collaborated with the Federal Ministry of Health and […]
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria; Visits ARFH

The Management and staff of ARFH welcome The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to ARFH Abuja Office and wish them successful oversight visit to Nigeria. ARFH as a Principal Recipient (Global Fund HIV&AIDS and TB Round 9), works in collaboration with the Nigerian government and CSOs to implement innovative programmes on HIV/AIDS […]
Active TB Case Findings Through Community Engagement in Nigeria
Tuberculosis continues to remain a major public health problem in Nigeria. The TB burden is compounded by high prevalence of HIV in the country which stands at about 3.4 % in the general population 2012 National HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health Survey-Plus (NARHS Plus). An essential component of TB control programme in Nigeria is the empowerment […]