ARFH Embarks on Behavioral Change Communication Activities to Reduce Malaria Burden in Edo State

ARFH is implementing a Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) consultancy with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to implement post campaign BCC activities in collaboration with the Edo State Ministry of Health, through the State Malaria Elimination Programme in Edo state. The goal of the intervention aligns with that of the National Malaria Strategic plan 2015-2020 to contribute towards […]
ARFH Intensifies Provision Of Maternal And Child Health Products; Expand Services To Over 400 Communities In Four States Under ESMPIN Project.

ARFH has through its expanded social marketing project in Nigeria (ESMPIN) project intensified efforts by expanding its community based distribution services to over 400 communities in nine (9) Local Government Areas of Katsina, Kebbi, Jigawa and Zamfara states. The community based distribution of maternal and child health products through social marketing has helped increased access […]