Mrs. Grace Delano, ARFH Vice President and Executive Director Honored

The Vice President/ED of ARFH, Mrs. Grace Delano, was honoured recently with an Award of Excellence for her significant contributions to the success of the NURHI Project. The Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (NURHI) was a five year (2009 ‐2014) project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that aimed at increasing the use […]
Tribute to late Dr. Eugene Weiss

Tribute to Late Dr. Eugene Weiss; Statement on the Death of Dr. Eugene Weiss The passing away into glory of Dr. Eugene Weiss on Tuesday, 6th of March at the age of 71 was received in Nigeria with considerable sadness. Both Mrs Grace Ebun Delano and Prof. Oladapo A. Ladipo, had the unique privilege of […]
Keke-ARFH: Community-Based Reproductive Health Outreach Project

An innovative approach for delivering community-based reproductive health services. By: Mrs. Idowu Victoria ARFH’s Community-based Mobile reproductive health Service (Keke-ARFH) brings reproductive health including family planning information and methods to the people rather than requiring them to visit health facilities. The community-based mobile health outreach is an extension of activities going in ARFH’s main clinic in […]