ARFH Community TB Project 2019-2020 Brief
ARFH is currently implementing the Community TB component of the GF- Funded Tuberculosis grant Nigeria in collaboration with the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP), the Principal Recipient of the grant and an institution mandated to coordinate TB and Leprosy control activities in all States in Nigeria in order to significantly reduce the public burden of the two diseases. This grant has continued this Jan, 2021 to end Dec, 2023.
Global Fund and Stop TB Partnership Renew Memorandum of Understanding with Global Drug Facility
To optimize access to TB health products in countries receiving the Global Fund grant to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, The Global Fund renewed a Memorandum of Understanding with The Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility, in Geneva on 17th June 2016. This implies that the Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH), as a […]
The active case finding commenced in February 2016 by Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) is one of the strategic approaches currently being employed in the Global Fund New Funding Model (NFM) for increasing Tuberculosis case detection. This is in response to the findings from the first Tuberculosis prevalence survey in Nigeria conducted in […]
ARFH Collaborates With National TB and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP) To Commemorate 2015 World TB Day
As part of efforts to draw global attention to the health problem, March 24th is celebrated every year as the World Tuberculosis Day and the day is designed to build public awareness about tuberculosis and efforts to eliminate the disease. Association for Reproductive and Family Health collaborated with the Federal Ministry of Health and […]