The HIV Unit of Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) implemented the Global Fund New Funding Model 2 titled Optimizing HIV Investment for Impact between 1st July, 2019 to 31st December, 2020. ARFH worked as Sub-Recipient to fhi360 to implement the project in 11 State- Abia, Bayelsa, Benue, Delta, Edo, Enugu, Imo, Niger, Ogun Oyo and Osun spread across 63 Local Government Areas and with linkage to over 90 GF supported Health Facilities.
The main objectives of the grant include
- To improve community response to HTS & linkage of positive clients to treatment and care
- To increase access of Pregnant Women and other vulnerable groups to targeted HIV testing and treatment within the community structures
- To strengthen TB/HIV linkage for HIV positive clients and presumptive TB cases
Four indicators targeting demand generation for HIV services through HIV Counselling and Testing using community mobile testing approach was the focus of the intervention. The indicators are:
- PMTCT-1; Number of pregnant women who were tested for HIV and who received the test results (GF Supported)
- PMTCT-2; Number of HIV infected pregnant women who received antiretroviral drugs to reduce the risk for mother to child transmission (GF Supported)
- HTS-1; Number of people male and female who were tested for HIV and received their results during the reporting period (GF specific)
- TCS-1; Number of people male and female living with HIV currently receiving antiretroviral therapy (GF specific).
Key Interventions and Achievements
i. Advocacy visits were conducted to state partners and key stakeholders which resulted in effective partnership, creation of enabling environment, and unhindered access to communities.
ii. A total of 374 Counsellor Testers spread across 11 project implementing states and 61 LGAs were trained virtually on COVID-19 preventive measures using WHO/NCDC protocols. During this period, ARFH reached 149,467 individuals with factual COVID-19 prevention messages and were tested for HIV (55,651 PW & 93,816 GP). Of the number tested, 1,647 (161 PW and 1,486 GP) were identified to be positive and were enrolled in GF supported facilities. All COVID-19 prevention protocols were maintained including the use of face mask, regular hand washing with clean water and soap for not less than 20 seconds, or use of alcohol based hand sanitizer, gloves and social distancing.
iii. In the year 2020, ARFH surpassed the 344,382 and 262,485 targets set for HTS and PMTCT, with a total of 421,405 (122.4%) and 296,199 (112.8%) people counselled, tested, and received their results respectively. The number of those tested positive for HIV for HTS and PMTCT were 6,860 and 939, while 6,841 (99.7%) and 934 (99.5%) were linked to ART respectively.