Available evidence shows that more than 40% of cases of COVID-19 and more than 20% of cases of mortality due to COVID-19 occur in Lagos State. Last week, we completed a 4-day Training of Trainee (ToT) on COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control measures. The training which was facilitated by members of the Lagos State COVID-19 management team focused on COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control measures, basic facts of COVID-19, history, epidemiology, identification of signs and symptoms of COVID-19, standard precautions, uptake of screening, and vaccination. Likewise, hands-on hand hygiene steps were showcased with effective use of PPE, environmental cleaning and waste management strategies, workplace prevention including busting various myths and misinformation regarding COVID-19.
With this training, all ICHSSA 2 project staff now have a proper understanding of the COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Measures with the requisite capacity to support the step-down training for Program Monitors, partner CBOs staff, and Case Managers who will later be able to engage project beneficiaries and communities where they work during community-level activities to ensure that they themselves and beneficiaries are not exposed to the risk of COVID-19 infection.

Halting the spread of COVID-19 requires everyone to take responsibility by spreading correct information about the disease, getting vaccinated, wearing facemask appropriately, maintaining social distancing and ensuring regular hand hygiene.
Many thanks to @USAID for the support.
#COVID19 #TakeResponsibility #Lagos #ICHSSA2 #ARFH