The Management and staff of ARFH welcome The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to ARFH Abuja Office and wish them successful oversight visit to Nigeria. ARFH as a Principal Recipient (Global Fund HIV&AIDS and TB Round 9), works in collaboration with the Nigerian government and CSOs to implement innovative programmes on HIV/AIDS ( OVC, Community System Strengthening, Home Base Care) and for the creation of demand for TB services through health education, social mobilization and awareness creation via trained community volunteers and Community Based Organization (CBO) as well as strengthening the technical and managerial capacity of the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control program (NTBLCP).
The Global Fund Representatives on the visits include Ms. Jamilya Sherova, Program Officer HIV and Mr. Andrew Redpath, Finance Expert, Ms Annet Odhiambo, Program Officer TB and Ms Margaret Kugonza, Public Health and Monitoring specialist. They were accompanied by Local Fund Agent (LFA).