Strategies To Close The Gap In TB/HIV Case Finding: Focus on the Global Fund C7 Grant

ARFH participated in a meeting organized by the GlobalFund with NACA, NTBLCP and partners to discuss the strategies to close the observed gaps in the current grant in the next grant GC7.

Among issues flagged is the importance of multisectoral integrated TB services which is essential to improve TB case finding in the country. Emphasis on focusing on activities to improve childhood TB, scale up of TPT implementation, early treatment enrolment of diagnosed Drug Resistant TB patients will be focused in the GC7 grant phase.

HIV testing and prevention services among Adolescent girls and young women is observed to be low. Efforts will be on decentralization of HIV activities and capacity building of the State Action Committee on AIDS (SACA) to meet the 95,95,95 strategies as well as improving the number of HIV women who receive ART to reduce transmission from mother to child.

The TB/HIV program is set to utilize lessons learnt from the current grant implementation to improve strategies to close observed gaps in the next GC7 grant.

As ARFH is poised for a successful commencement of the new grant come Jan, 2024, we embarked on a close-out discussions/data validation of the current grant with our CBOs. ARFH is proud of her significant achievement in its current GF community TB interventions Q1,2021 –

Q3,2023 as shown in the slide below of 192% as per target for presumptive and 185% as per target for TB cases placed on treatment.

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