Mobil Producing Supports ARFH to Reach Youth Corps Members with Sexual & Reproductive Health and Malaria Prevention Information
The Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) received support from Mobil Producing Nigeria (MPN) to implement a youth-focused project titled ‘Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health of Youth Corps Members and Young People in Two Nigerian States’. This initiative was designed to provide support to the existing National Reproductive Health, HIV and AIDS prevention and care project through the NYSC in two states in Nigeria (Federal Capital Territory – FCT and Niger) during the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) orientation programme for Batch C 2013 corps members in the states. ARFH has, in the last ten years collaborated with the NYSC to provide reproductive health and HIV/AIDS prevention orientation seminar and trainings to corps members. The focus is to improve the reproductive health status of corps members and young people by equipping them with the knowledge and skills required for positive behaviour on issues of Reproductive Health (RH), HIV and AIDS and malaria prevention.
Two thousand, one hundred and eighty-four 2,184 corps members comprising 1,114 males and 1,070 females were reached with reproductive health, HIV&AIDS and malaria prevention information in both states during the mandatory HIV/malaria orientation seminar. Integration of malaria prevention information into the RH orientation seminar and PETs training in both FCT and Niger state showed cost effectiveness. This MPN-supported initiative also showcased successful public-private partnership for the promotion of reproductive health information and services for adolescents and young people in Nigeria.This is expected to contribute to improved health status of young people and youths in both states and promote the corporate image of Mobil Producing Nigeria as it contributes to national efforts at reducing the spread of HIV, malaria and other health problems among youths in Nigeria.
Read Full Report Here.