‘Health is Wealth’ goes the popular saying and therefore in every country, the health sector is critical to social and economic development with ample evidence linking productivity to quality of health care. In Nigeria, the vision of becoming one of the leading 20 economies of the world by the year 2020 is closely tied to the development of its human capital through the health sector. However, the health indicators in Nigeria have remained below country targets and internationally-set benchmarks including the MDGs, which have recorded very slow progress over the years. In order to meet the challenges of achieving improved health status particularly for its poorest and most vulnerable population, the Nigerian health system must be strengthened; proven cost-effective interventions must be scaled up and gains in health must be sustained and expanded. ARFH continues to work with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) and other development partners to expands innovative and proven cost-effective interventions across the nation
Re-shaping Development Institute (ReDI) an independent Think Tank in the field of international development based in Korea visited ARFH as part of a research focus on “Cooperation strategy of health sector for 8 African priority partner countries” including Nigeria for the Korea International Cooperation Agency. In order to respond to the need for establishing cooperation strategy of health sector for African partner countries, they are conducting a comprehensive study focusing on situation analysis and policy recommendation. Their visit to ARFH was to discuss the general conditions and major issues of health sector in Nigeria, explore health systems and policies and find out current situation of international development support to Nigeria and results generated.
The team from Re-shaping Development Institute (ReDI) was welcomed by Mrs. Kehinde Osinowo, Director of Program, Mr. Joseph Majiyagbe, Director of Finance & Admin, Dr. Queen Ogbuji, TB Project Coordinator, Dr. Abiodun Hassan, M&E Coordinator, Mrs. Bukola Ehimatie, HIV M&E Manager and Olusola Atoloye, Persoanl Assistant to the President/CEO
Re-shaping Development Institute (ReDI) team was led by Mr. Kung Chul Lee and was accompanied by Moon S. Hong and Dr. Jung Han Park. Re-shaping Development Institute (ReDI) works to develop strategies for sustainable development and poverty eradication while contributing to global solidarity and providing alternative ideas for international development cooperation.