In the light of the upcoming United Nations High-Level Meeting—United to End Tuberculosis: an urgent global response to a global epidemic (the HLM), concerned members of the TB community comprising of people affected by tuberculosis (TB), members of affected communities, civil society organizations – ARFH inclusive, human rights lawyers, health care workers, and TB activists from around the world have written a letter to the delegation.
In the letter addressed to H.E. Mr. Walton Alfonso Webson (Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Antigua and Barbuda to the United Nations) and H.E. Mr. Koro Bessho (Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations) the group emphasized the need to give importance to the call for “priority actions” from the Civil Society Groups to transform the TB response to be equitable, rights based, and people-centered as captured in the key commitments made by the delegation. These human rights commitments they believe, if pronounced at the high level meeting and implemented devotedly by member countries, will certainly support the global response to TB and facilitate the end of TB for good.
Click here to read the full letter