Highlights of Global Fund TB Projects Implemented by ARFH 2010-2018

The Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) became the Principal Recipient (PR) for the Global Fund (GF)TB grant in July, 2009 – Dec, 2018. The grant was run in phases. Round 5 Phase 2 TB grant commenced in July 2009 and terminated in June 30th 2010. The SRs under ARFH were; National TB and Leprosy Control Program (NTBLCP) for Drug Susceptible (DS) TB intervention, Institute of Human Virology (IHVN) who was responsible for the Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) component. Also ILEP partners (GLRA, TLM, NLR), and Health Alive Foundation (HAF) for the community component. Subsequently, under Round-9 phase-1, IHVN became a PR for MDR grant based on the recommendation of the CCM because of their experience with laboratory issues while ARFH remained the PR for Drug Susceptible (DS). Focus of Round 5 & 9 TB grant was on DOT and Microscopy expansion as well as addressing the major challenges with drug management and distribution, while the New Funding Model(2015-2018) was more on ‘’INVESTING FOR IMPACT AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS’’. Highlights of the phases are as shown below.

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