The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) is a gap-filling mechanism that galvanizes support for the fight against AIDS, TB and malaria, working with partners to support the most effective prevention and treatment services. ARFH as one of the Principal Recipients (PR) for TB Grant in Nigeria works in collaboration with the National TB and Leprosy Control Program (NTBLCP), the ILEP partners and Health Alive Foundation towards the fight for the elimination of Tuberculosis as a public health challenge in Nigeria.
As part of our oversight functions, ARFH organized and facilitated the 2nd quarter of 2014 review meeting at Reiz Continental Hotel, Abuja from the 4th- 5th of August. The quarterly review meeting was aimed at providing a platform for the two PRs, SRs and partners to discuss operational issues in the implementation process as well as discuss the Global Fund New Funding Model (NFM) for the joint TB/HIV Concept Note. The event attracted partners from TB program which include WHO, GF Country Coordination Mechanism (CCM), Institute for Human Virology (IHVN), TB-CARE and the Six Sub-Recipients (SRs) on the Global Fund Round 9 TB grant for Nigeria. NTBLCP National Coordinator, Dr. Gabriel Akang to convene a meeting with the ILEP partners to discuss how to better manage relationships with the state governments to ensure that governments’ optimal commitment to the program is solicited. It was also agreed that the National Programme liaise with ARFH/ILEP Partners to ensure the printing and distribution of Recoding & Reporting tools are done to avoid future stock-outs.
As part of the grant objective of strengthening the National Programme efforts on TB and Leprosy control, ARFH handed over 28 project vehicles to National and State Programme Offices since the inception of the TB grant to Nigeria.