Mr. Leopold Blanc and Darcy Richardson, consultants from World Health Organization paid a curtsey visit to Association for Reproductive and Family Health, they were accompanied by Dr. Awe, the TB National Programme officer at WHO and Dr Rupert Eneogu, National TB and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP). The team was welcomed by Prof. A. O Ladipo, President/CEO and Dr. Queen Ogbuji, TB Project Coordinator at ARFH. Speaking, Prof Ladipo commended the Global Fund for their continuous funding of TB work and urged Nigerian government to continue to support GFATM and whiling investing more in the control of Tuberculosis in Nigeria. He further lamented the poor visibility of TB as a serious public health issue in Nigeria and urged partners to do more. He enjoined the Media to continue to play their role in helping to inform and educate people which will in turn help to reduce stigma in the community.
The consultants are in Nigeria to help draft a new National TB Strategic Plan for Nigeria. ARFH is working in collaboration with National TB and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP) to implement the National TB Programme in the 36 States and FCT.