Despite the novel COVID-19 pandemic that has disrupted health service delivery and caused backdrop for businesses in the past months, the RASuDiN Project continued to demonstrate the feasibility of expanding access to Family Planning (FP) method uptake, increasing self-care among women of reproductive age (WRA) and improving continuation rate of DMPA-SC/SI. ARFH RASuDiN project under strict COVID-19 protocols intensified social mobilization activities through the training of additional Community Volunteers (CVs) and Health Educators.
The program deployed best practices through door-to-door activities as a way of managing a program in a changing context. Also, there is consistent engagement of key stakeholders which has contributed to the strengthening of the Last Mile Distribution (LMD)of FP commodities, as well as the improvement of state and LGA level program coordination and ownership. In the period under consideration, the uptake of DMPA-SC was 74,165 across the 10 implementing states.
In addition to this, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M19Aaii3v6Y&t=12) how to use DMPA-SC/Self Injection there were 1,634 self-injection clients. This intervention reveals an increase in FP services in the states despite the outbreak of COVID-19, and subsequent restriction of movement. The project also contributed to the development of the State Government’s Costed Implementation Plan (CIP), which enabled the integration of RASuDiN project activities into the states plans which is geared towards ownership and sustainability.