ARFH is Live at IAS Conference 2024 in Munich Germany!

Dr. Oluyemi Peter ATIBIOKE, ARFH’s Associate Director of Programme and Business Development and TB/HIV Advisor on the USAID-funded, CCCRN-led ACE-4 Project, shared impactful findings from the Cervical Cancer study conducted under the ACE-4 Project.

The paper, titled “Are We Making Progress in Cervical Cancer Prevention Among Women Within Reproductive Age Group Living with HIV & AIDS? Experience from North Central Nigeria,” highlighted significant gaps:

🔹 Only 279 (36.5%) out of 765 women assessed had a history of cervical cancer screening, leaving a huge gap of 486 (63.5%).
🔹 While 60% had a fair knowledge of cervical cancer, more than 90% had never been vaccinated against HPV which is the main causative agent for Cervical Cancer.

These findings underscore the urgent need for a public health approach to address these gaps not only among women of reproductive age living with HIV but among all women of reproductive age to accelerate progress in cervical cancer prevention.

Check out the in-person poster presentation for more details!

A heartfelt thanks to PEPFAR/USAID, CCCRN, ARFH, and the Cervical Cancer Study Group for their invaluable support.


                                                             Dr. Atibioke and the Executive Secretary of Lagos SACA

Publication Titled: The paper, titled “Are We Making Progress in Cervical Cancer Prevention Among Women Within Reproductive Age Group Living with HIV & AIDS? Experience from North Central Nigeria,”


Discussion with conference participants on key learnings and insights



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