ARFH ICHSSA-2 Project Co-creating Innovative Virtual Space Platform with Adolescents and Young People in Lagos

As part of efforts to ensure ownership, inclusiveness and sustainability, the USAID supported ICHSSA-2 organized a co-creation workshop with selected 44 VibeSaquare Adolescent Ambassadors from across the 11 project LGAs in Lagos. VibeSquare is a safe space for Adolescents and Young Persons to access quality, concise and accurate HIV/TB, Sexual and Reproductive health and other relevant health messaging information via WhatsApp.

The Adolescent Ambassadors were really excited at the opportunity to contribute to an innovation that belongs to them. For the majority of them, it was the first time having to be part of something like this. The participants were introduced to the concept of the VibeSquare platform, 5 stages of design thinking process, content creation strategies among others.

At ARFH, we don’t just design projects or interventions for our communities, we design it with them. This helps to instill sense of ownership, usability and sustainability among our target beneficiaries, thus incorporating their ideas and concerns into the design of the platform.

#ARFH #USAID #VibeSquare #DesignThinking #Cocreation

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