ARFH is implementing the community HIV Testing Services across 11 States in Nigeria with support from the Global Fund (GF) to fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria, through fhi360. HIV positivity yield across the 11 project implementing states is at about 1.5%. Hence, in optimizing HIV investment for impact, ARFH adopted the Sexual Network Testing (SNT) strategy and trained counselor testers.
In addition, ARFH mobilized community members for HIV testing and ensured identified positive clients are enrolled in designated GF supported health facilities. For the period July – September 2020, the SNT strategy contributed to about 15% increase in HIV case finding as compared to the general testing strategy. ARFH will sustain and strengthen the SNT strategy as a game-changer in ensuring value for money in community testing and in achieving the first 95 of UNAIDS95-95-95 target by 2030.