Increase Female Condom Availability, Affordability and Accessibility
One of the 13 ‘over looked’ life-saving commodities is Female Condom which is a power tool to empower women with partners unwilling to use condom, protecting her against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmuted diseases says Prof. C.O Onyebuchi, Honourable Minister of Health, speaking at the launch of the Female Condom Advocacy Project supported by the Universal Access to Female Condom Joint Programme (UAFC).
Availability of condoms, including female condoms is key for achieving national targets in reduction of new HIV infections. Failure to supply condoms to people who need them will cause the nation to add significant burdens on the provision of public services and decrease economic growth. Female condoms have the potential to revolutionize safer sex for diverse populations around the world. They are also the only woman-initiated method available today that offers dual protection from unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.
Access to female condoms is hindered mainly by lack of availability and price, nonetheless the device remain an effective method of prevention of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS says Victoria Akyeampong, UNFPA Resident Representative during the donation of 4,000,000 Female Condoms to Society for Family Health (SFH) last week.
Global Female Condom Day is celebrated globally on the 16th of September and aims to increase the number of women, men and youth who know about, use, and advocate for female condoms. It is a day of education and advocacy to increase awareness, access, and use of female condoms globally. In Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Health with support from United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Society for Family Health (SFH), Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH), Education as a Vaccine (EVA) and Oxfam in Nigeria is leading the celebration with the theme: Increase Female Condom Availability, Affordability and Accessibility.