ARFH 2023 Annual Report: Message From The CEO

A Year of Impact: ARFH’s Achievements and Commitment to Health Advancement in Nigeria
I am delighted to present Association for Reproductive and Family Health’s Annual
Report for the year 2023, highlighting the impactful strides we have made in our
mission to enhance the health sector of Nigeria. This report serves as a testament to
ARFH’s commitment to improving the lives of individuals across diverse states,
communities, and hard-to-reach areas.
In the past year, ARFH has tirelessly worked towards complementing the efforts of
the Nigerian government, implementing projects that address critical health issues.
Our initiatives span family planning, TB, HIV, Cervical cancer and HPV vaccine, OVC,
Malaria, Nutrition, and Capacity building of health workers. Through these
endeavors, we have sought to bring about positive change and make a lasting
impact on the health and well-being of various communities.
One of the significant achievements of 2023 is the successful implementation of
various projects, reaching individuals in remote areas and making a tangible
difference in their lives. Our dedication to improving maternal and child health,
preventing the spread of infectious diseases, and fostering community
development remains unwavering.
I am pleased to announce the appointment of a new Director of Programs, Dr.
Kolapo Oyeniyi whose expertise and leadership will undoubtedly contribute to the
continued success of ARFH. This addition to the ARFH team strengthens our resolve
to adapt, innovate, and excel in our mission.
As we reflect on the past year’s accomplishments, let us renew our commitment to
the vision and mission of ARFH. Together, we will continue to create a healthier and
more resilient Nigeria.
Thank you for your unwavering support and belief in the transformative power of
accessible and quality healthcare.
Kindly download the report here:


Best regards,
Chief Executive Officer

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