A Choice for All: Freedom to Plan, Power to Choose.

On this #WorldContraceptionDay, we highlight the power of self-care through DMPA-SC self-injection, a game-changer for women’s autonomy and privacy.

By supporting this method, ARFH is working in alignment with the government’s SWAp (Sector-Wide Approach) initiative, which ensures coordinated health interventions to improve access to family planning services. DMPA-SC self injection not only offers convenience but also empowers women to take control of their reproductive health in private, reducing the need for clinic visits and enabling them to plan their families on their own terms.

Join us in driving forward important discussions on family planning at the upcoming National Family Planning Conference 2024. Register today: https://www.nigeriafamilyplanningconference2024.org/

Check out these empowering photos of women confidently practising self-care and self-injection with DMPA-SC, making informed choices for their future.


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