Since 1945, World Food Day is commemorated annually on October 16 to spread awareness about the importance of food security and to draw attention to millions of people suffering from hunger all over the world.
The theme for World Food Day 2018 is “Our Actions are our Future. A #ZeroHunger world by 2030 is possible”
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Statement on World Food Day
After a period of decline, world hunger is on the rise again. Today, over 820 million people are suffering chronic undernourishment, according to the latest FAO 2018 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report.
Conflict, extreme weather events linked to climate change, economic slowdown and rapidly increasing overweight and obesity levels are reversing progress made in the fight against hunger and malnutrition.
Now is the time to get back on track. The world can achieve Zero Hunger if we join forces across nations, continents, sectors and professions, and act on evidence.
Zero hunger means working together to ensure everyone, everywhere, has access to the safe, healthy and nutritious food they need. To achieve it, we must adopt a more sustainable lifestyle, work with others, share our knowledge and be willing to help change the world – for the better.
70 percent of the world’s poor live in rural areas where people’s lives depend on agriculture, fisheries or forestry. That’s why #ZeroHunger calls for a transformation of rural economy.
Governments must create opportunities for greater private sector investments in agriculture, while boosting social protection programmes for the vulnerable and linking food producers with urban areas.
Smallholder farmers need to adopt new, sustainable agricultural methods to increase productivity and income. Ensuring the resilience of rural communities requires an approach that is mindful of the environment that leverages the power of technological innovation and creates stable and rewarding employment opportunities.
But employment and economic growth aren’t enough, especially for those who endure conflict and suffering.
Zero Hunger moves beyond conflict-resolution and economic growth, taking the long-term approach to build peaceful, inclusive societies.
While millions go hungry, 672 million people suffer from obesity, and a further 1.3 billion are overweight. We can change this.
In line with her commitment to improving the quality of life of underserved and vulnerable communities, the Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) is encouraging the society and YOU to take action today by supporting initiatives that promote food security and adopt a sustainable lifestyle that benefits the common good.
The time has come to change things up! Whoever you are, no matter the role you play – as a business owner, farmer, government representative or an individual, take action for #ZeroHunger!

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