ARFH PMI-S Project: Reducing Malaria Morbidity and Mortality Rates

During the second quarter of 2024, ARFH successfully implemented the PMI-S Grant Under Contract (GUC) across six Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Oyo State, Nigeria, with a primary focus on reducing malaria morbidity and mortality rates thereby contributing to the goal of the Federal Government to reduce malaria burden in Nigeria. The project’s outstanding performance during the last phase of the project (February 2023- February 2024) led to its extension for an additional six months from March to August 2024. The LGAs of implementation remained the 6 LGAs of Atisbo, Ibarapa North, Irepo, Iwajowa, Oorelope, and Olorunsogo.

Recent Activities

  • Provision of technical support to 119 health facility workers through mentoring, capacity building, and on-the-job training
  • Monitoring and supportive supervision to address identified case management and data management gaps
  • Facility-based data validation to enhance data quality and assurance through rigorous NHMIS tool assessments.
  • Participation in LGA validation meetings to assist in reviewing, validating, collating, and submitting monthly data.
  • Collaboration with stakeholders (LGA teams, WDC, Religious leaders) to address challenges affecting malaria service delivery and uptake.

Key Aachievements

  • Maintaining 100% malaria testing, treatment rate and ACT given in the implementing LGAs.
  • Improvements in malaria prevention, evidenced by a notable decrease in Test Positivity Rate (TPR) across the LGAs (43% in January, 35% in February, 32% in March, and 31% in April 2024).
  • Increase in uptake of IPTp 2 (86% – 97% Jan – Apr, 2024).
  • Reduction in severe malaria cases from 132 in January  to 63 in April, 2024

Plan Activities 1

  • Continous monitoring, supervision and data quality assurance across the 6 LGAs to further reduce malaria burden as well as promote quality service delivery
  • Strenghten collaboration with Stakeholders at the community and LGA levels to estabilish sustainability of project objectives

Plan Activity 2

  • Preparatory activity for milestone 8 report
  • Preparatory activity for project phase close-out

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