The challenges faced by victims of Gender-Based Violence, from accessing support they can trust and rely on, to returning to a life away from the trauma, are issues that ARFH is all too familier with and has led various projects aimed at driving reform and development in the space.
The RESTORED PROJECT is focused on driving deeper and more sustainable impact interventions on issues around Gender-Based Violence, reaching trauma victims and helping them find a new lease of life through systems they can trust, relying on the direct relationships we build with the persons we reach out to.
The RESTORED PROJECT would allow for deeper public participation in the relevant issues, driving engagement through donation and project tracking, which are a focus of all our Fundraiser Initiatives.
It is our firm belief that this approach would open a new avenue to delivering social development initiatives, with our eyes on sustainability and wider stakeholder appeal as the development landscape changes.
We also look to partner with civil society and volunteers in different aspects of the project, from intervention design and development to field activites, data gathering and reporting. We understand that impact requires a collective effort and welcome all forms of contribution towards achieveing our goal.